2. Press Form: Press Tab: Specs
3. Press Form: Press Tab: Options
Max Image: The maximum image that can be printed on this press.
Press Sht (Default): The most common Press Sheet size for this press
Parent Sht (Default): The most common Parent Sheet size for this press
Perfector: Check to denote if press is a perfector.
Charge for Black Ink: Check if you want to charge for black ink.
Charge fo Black Wash: Check if you want to charge for black washup.
Use Default Gripper: Check if you want the press to add the gripper by default.
Gripper Dimension (button): Choose the grain direction for the gripper. Enter your gripper amount in the white box.
Ignore Gripper (button): Check this and the gripper will not be calculated as part of the image area.
4. Press Form: Fixed Tab: Fixed
- BHR (Budgeted Hourly Rates): The hourly dollar amount used ONLY for operations in this tab. It can be the same or different then the BHR used on the Impressions/Press Speeds Tab.
- Charge Matrix: Use to enter the fixed cost for Plates, Make Ready, Washup, Inks, PMS Charge and Stripping. You can choose to enter either the dollar cost or the time required to complete the operation.
- Customize Labels (button): Unlocks the fields/labels that can be customized. The Custom Labels for this screen are:
- Plates
- Pms Charge
- Strip (Hr)
5. Press Form: Fixed Tab: Setup Waste per Plate
6. Press Form: Fixed Tab: Plate Changes
7. Press Form: Impressions/Press Speeds Tab
- BHR (Budgeted Hourly Rates): The hourly dollar amount (before markup) you charge for the press.
- Rate Basis (radio button): Rates are calculated per 1's or per thousands
- IPH(Standard): Enter the standard number of impressions per hour.
- Minimum Charge: Enter the minimum charge for the press
- Calculate Impressions Based On (radio buttons):Choose whether you want the price based on total number of inks per side or total number of passes per side.
- Number of Impressions: Use to set price breaks based on job quantity
- Press Speed/Hr (AA,BB,CC): Enter either the press speed or the cost based on the price break
- Additional: Enter an additional cost to charge if the job goes over the impressions price break
- Markup %: Enter an additional markup for the press cost if desired. This would be a markup that would be in addition to the global markup
- Additional Waste/ 1000 Press Sheets (radio buttons): Choose a method to calculate additional waste amounts.
- Waste %: Enter a wasted sheet percentage for each impression break being utilized. Note: this area will display only when the 'Use %' is chosen in area 10. (if you selected the 'Used Fixed' selection in area 10, you will enter waste amounts in the boxes that will display in that section.)