1. Download the Mac client installer here.

2. Find the downloaded DMG file in your browser's Downloads folder and double-click it to mount it. You should see this window.

3. Drag  the application PrintPoint 7 Client  onto the shortcut to your Applications folder to copy it to your hard drive.

M1/M2/M3 Models Connecting To Windows Server:

If your PrintPoint Server is running on Windows, you will need to go to the /Applications/PrintPoint 7 Client.app and use COMMAND+I to Get Info on the application and be sure to check the Open using Rosetta checkbox, as shown here.

4. Open the folder 'fonts to install for PP7' and install the fonts in the folder into your system.

5. Go to your Applications folder and launch the PrintPoint 7 Client you just copied into it, holding the OPTION key down as it is opening to signal it to give you the Connection to 4D Server dialog so you can create your initial connection. This will present you with this dialog

Enter in your Project Name (PP7 is fine) and Network Address in the Custom tab, similar to what's shown above. The network address should be "YourServerIPAddress:21813", similar to what you see in the examples.

You'll need to get the actual value for YourServerIPAddress from someone at your location. This could be an IT person or someone similar.

5. After syncing files locally, PrintPoint should initialize and you can login using a pre-created user account or an Administrator account.